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Monday, November 15, 2010

Social Bookmarking: Delicious

"Delicious is a Social Bookmarking service, which means you can save all your bookmarks online, share them with other people, and see what other people are bookmarking. It also means that we can show you the most popular bookmarks being saved right now across many areas of interest. In addition, our search and tagging tools help you keep track of your entire bookmark collection and find tasty new bookmarks from people like you."

What is Delicous? Delicious is a social bookmarking site that allows you to organize websites that are useful to you. Social bookmarking is the practice of saving bookmarks to a public website and tagging them using keywords. This new and upcoming web tool is useful to almost everyone who uses the internet. Social bookmarking opens the door to new ways of organization. Tagging these websites and using keywords to categorize has the potential to change how we store and find information. It will eventually lead to an easily accessible way of retrieving information by simply accessing one site which leads to the many that we have tagged. 
The website, Delicious, would be beneficial for almost all professions. You can direct a link to almost any website and create multiple tags for quick and efficient findings. It is considered one of the most common forms of social bookmarking. However, social bookmarking is a method for Internet users to share, organize, search, and manage bookmarks of web resources. Unlike file sharing, the resources themselves aren't shared, merely bookmarks that reference them. Delicious enables the user to search and collect their favorite or most used websites in one place. It also makes searching for new websites easier based on what other people have already searched for. 

 One of the more widely used forms of social bookmarking would be Twitter. Twitter is  social networking and microblogging service, enabling its users to send and read other users' messages called tweets. People can indicate a tag by using the # sign. People are now using Twitter much like they use other social networking sites like Facebook. Keeping up with friends, family, and even celebrities. Twitter is also used for advertising for businesses. It is the easiest and most cost efficient way to advertise. It is entirely free and if you have enough followers it is a great way to advertise for your business.  For example where I am currently working we use a twitter account to publicly announce our specials. This is a prime example of how free advertising through twitter can benefit a business. 

Below is a link to Twitter. Signing up is quick, easy, and free. You could be reconnected with long lost friends in a matter of moments. 

  Sign up for Twitter here!

The Sound of... Podcasting.

In class we were taught how to navigate Garageband. Garageband is a program provided by Apple. It is used to create various podcasts and video montages which you can export to youtube or itunes.

"GarageBand is a multitrack recording application that contains a complete collection of audio tools for experienced recording veterans and novices alike. You can record real audio pieces, play with software instruments, create parts using Apple Loops, add effects, mix your music and play it all back with iTunes or include in your iMovies."

 In our EME class we were asked to create a very brief podcast about something relating to our major. In my sound I documented a mentor program that I established with the Florida Cicerones and Florida Football Team. It is called the BLAQUE Mentor Program, it is geared towards targeting at risk youth males in the Gainesville community that come from a troubled home. This podcast would be beneficial if I were working for a the team. We would be able to upload the mp3 to the team website to demonstrate our acts of Community Service as well as entice more people to become mentors. You could also use podcasts to get potential sponsors or additional programs to help in the development of your team as well as promote the good efforts our teams has made. Realistically having the knowledge of being able to produce a podcast and upload is extremely beneficial. In almost all careers having the ability to create something like a podcast would enable you to do something new and creative. For example, teachers could also use podcasts with students inside and outside of the classroom. Teachers could record themselves and post it on a blog for students to access if needed. It truly is a great way to share information .  

Visual Literacy: PhotoShop

In our EME2040 class, we were asked to make a project in Adobe Photoshop. Adobe Photoshop is a graphics editing program. You can do things as basic as changing font and rotating it to cutting pictures out and placing them in a new one. For example, take the picture above; I removed the sky from the original picture (the bridge) and added a new pretty, fun blue sky. I also added the phone booth, and Flat Stanley. This project was suppose to display the talents we learned in class as well as a talent we found online. 
I think having knowledge within Photoshop will definitely come in handy later on in life. Whether its within my intended profession or just the fact that you can edited pictures and make them fun! I would love to be able to take pictures at community service events and put them on photoshop, edit them, and create a fun montage of what we've accomplished. Or even create an exciting flier to get people out to our events. I would really like to use photoshop to create our family christmas card! I think it would be really fun and creative to take a normal picture and add color or background etc. I will be able to apply this knowledge within my major by being able to demonstrate my abilities for future employers. 

Below is a Youtube tutorial about Layers within Photoshop.