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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Copyright Law, Plagiarism & Ethical Issues

In class we discuss the topics of copyright law, plagiarism, and ethical issues. Copyright laws are a form of protection used by the US Government to original works remain in the hands of the creator and that ownerships is rightfully served. Plagiarism is essentially what the government is trying to protect creators  from being subjected to.  If someone plagiarizes they are taking works and claiming it as their own. The government works very hard to protect artist and writers from experiencing these various ethical issues. There has been an organization established in efforts to address these very problems.

Creative Commons is a non-profit organization devoted to expanding the range of creative works available for other to build upon legally and share. The organization has released Creative Commons license free of charge to the public, these are known as copy right licenses. The license serves to allow creators to specify which rights they reserve and what rights they waive. Creative Commons serves as a set of license meant to offer the consumer more freedoms than traditional copyrights. Below is a video that better helps you understand the concept of Creative Commons, how it works, and why its implied.

In the world of Sports Management, or athletics in general, videos are rapidly being used. From your highlight video to a video to entice people to volunteer or get active, people are constantly using inspirational songs and pairing them pictures or plays. Thanks to Creative Commons, you can actually use songs and videos in certain formats without it being considered breaking copyright laws. Again I go back to how applicable all technology is to teaching. The more a teacher tries to revamp his/her teaching methods the more likely the students are to try and adapt the material. I feel like many teachers are reaching out to sites like youtube to bring fun and inventive videos into the classroom. 

Creative Commons Youtube Video


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